Specificity of horizontal and vertical communication party on the background of building a political party.
horizontal and vertical communication party, a democratic political party, political party oligarchizationAbstract
In modern developed democratic countries, the structure of a political party consists of a number of different interest groups and pressure. Despite combine their common ideological, social and political objectives and the interests of these groups within the political parties are trying to fight for the leadership and compete in the political decision-making. By and large dynamics of such a rotation of parties in political life due to various aspects, including the handicapped and function setting effective communication links within the political forces. In political science, they got the determination, as the internal party communication, in turn, are divided into horizontal and vertical to the type. The article in addition to the classic western accents and the latest domestic theoretical developments on allocated preconditions of formation of the Institute of party democracy as the best form of inner communication software. To them, the article author considers the professional selfsufficiency of its members, rather than a unilateral submission to the will of the majority - the party leadership. The alienation of the party and political populism. System work in the party cells in the direction of expansion of its institutional mobility and the ability to adjust its political tactics under the current policy challenges in the state and political power.References
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