Features of functioning of modern political discourse of ukrainian mass media.


  • V. V. Stotsky South-Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky


media-political system, mass communication, information space, channels of mass communication, the Ukrainian mass media, social constructivism


A study of integration processes, which integrate components of media-political system such as media, advertising and public relations, allows us to conclude its convergence nature, when the essence of information relations in politics becomes identical in different channels of mass communication. This approach allows finding a base, in which communication is combined with social constructivism and political reality of society. Such a process of perception and understanding of mass communication allows us to consider mass communication as a way to regulate social activities of society and active influence on its political institutions. Thus, strengthening of influence and role of media in Ukrainian society, significant adjustments to the system of media relations with the state and citizens, on the one hand, and further entry of Ukraine into the world information space and activation of external influences, on the other hand, define a series of problems, which relate, in particular, to effectiveness of public administration in this sphere, coordination of positions and powers between public, private and social sectors, security of national information space.


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