Political self-organization of jewish community in Palestine.


  • I. A. Zaichenko ДонНУ


Jewish community (the Yishuv), the "Jewish National Home", self-organization, state Zionism, Aliya, the nation-state


The article is devoted to the implementation by the Jewish community of Palestine their right to form self-government institutions. The tradition of political self-organization of the Yishuv (Jewish community) in the Ottoman era and during the British mandate has formed the preconditions for a smooth change of the status of the Jewish community and its traditional consciousness to the national. It demonstrates the positive experience of practical implementation of political projects of national modernization. Analyzing the system of British government control of the Palestine mandate and the participation of Jews in political and administrative life of the country, the author has described the process of formation representative bodies and institutions of the Yishuv. They covered all the areas of Yishuv’s life. The success of creating the "Jewish National Home" as a form of self-organization of the Jewish community in large measure was due to active international representation of WZO. It is noted that in all the difficulties and zigzags of the implementation of the Zionist project of a Jewish state, and therefore in the conditions of formation of conflicting ideology with the Arabs, the right to self-organization, which was realized by the Jewish community of Palestine, may qualify as a key precondition of Israel success.


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