The history of the political ukrainian and polish women’s movements in Eastern Halichina and the half of the 19-th and half of the 20-th centuries: the development of women’s periodicals




women’s movement, women’s issue, women’s political periodical, feminist theory, Eastern Galicia


Today, gender issues are quite popular in society and the state. Gender policy is actively implemented in many developed countries of the world. Ukraine is moving towards the free space of European states, so it preserves the development trends of modern ideologies, movements and values. Ukraine has rich experience and heritage in the study of the «women’s question», because it became the birthplace of the development of two women’s movements: Ukrainian and Polish. Along with this, the Ukrainian women’s movement had its own characteristics, different from the European ones and is often studied in the context of liberation struggles. The development of the women’s movement is closely related to the activities of public women’s organizations, as well as their printed organs, that is, periodicals. The separation of women’s periodicals into a separate group of publications is important for the study of gender movements of the 1st half of the 19th ‒ 1st half of the 20th centuries, because they are a living source of women’s struggle for their rights. The study of women’s periodicals: Ukrainian and Polish makes it possible to trace the transformation of views and the debunking of stereotypes about the role of women in life, the state and society. The identification of common and distinctive typological features of periodicals gives an idea of the peculiarities of the thinking of the society of that time. The purpose of the research is to trace the development of the «women’s issue» in the territory of Eastern Galicia in women’s periodicals; to study the peculiarities of women’s movements: Polish and Ukrainian, which developed parallel to each other and had a lot in common through the prism of women’s publications. The object of the research is women’s movements in Eastern Galicia in the first half of the 19th and the second half of the 20th centuries. The subject of the research is women’s periodicals: Polish and Ukrainian, which were published in Galicia at the time. Research methods. The article uses a complex of special methods, in particular: systemic analysis, which allowed to consider the reasons for the emergence of Polish women’s political movements; synthesis in the study of women’s movements in Western Europe; retrospective analysis in the study of the causes and main periods of Ukrainian and Polish political women’s movements, comparative analysis comparing different women’s publications. The article uses the chronological principle, as well as scientific techniques ‒ classification and periodization.


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