The functionality of humanitarian policy as a factor in countering information aggression
humanitarian policy, humanitarian sphere, humanitarian sustainability, strategic communications, national security, information aggression, hybrid warfareAbstract
The article attempts to make a political analysis of the functionality of the State humanitarian policy as an element of ensuring humanitarian resilience in the context of countering destructive information influences. It is established that at the current stage of development of global relations, Ukraine’s humanitarian policy plays an important role in strengthening national identity and society’s resilience and is a deterrent to countering information influences from the aggressor. Given the positive trends in its implementation, humanitarian policy is becoming one of the most important mechanisms for ensuring Ukraine’s information security and is inherently focused on consolidating Ukrainian society. Humanitarian policy should be considered as a mandatory mechanism of state influence on the formation of public consciousness and the system of values. The experience of democratic states convincingly demonstrates that state policy in the humanitarian sphere is effective only if it involves a wide range of public circles in its development and implementation. It is in the combination of state and public elements of governance that public policy is balanced, transparent, and effective. It is proved that in the context of current obvious and hidden threats to national security, as well as the realities of the socio-political situation and the economic situation in Ukraine, the key role in ensuring the security of the State should be given to the development of the national resilience system, of which humanitarian resilience is a component. The development of the state’s humanitarian resilience requires ensuring basic human needs and rights, analyzing challenges and threats to human development in Ukraine and responding to them effectively through the efficient functioning of the humanitarian sphere, its actors and institutions. One of the most effective organizational and functional tools for implementing humanitarian policy is the system of strategic communications, which allows for a comprehensive communication strategy of public authorities through the formation of strategic narratives and contributes to the consolidation of society by increasing its resilience to destructive information influences from the aggressor. To summarize, humanitarian policy is an important mechanism in the system of ensuring the information security of the State, which is able to act as a deterrent to hybrid information aggression through language, educational and cultural aspects. The main organizational and functional tool for the implementation of the state humanitarian policy as a critical factor in ensuring the information and humanitarian security of society and its stable development is the system of strategic communications.
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