Institutional and legal mechanism of Ukraine’s information policy in the process of European Integration
information policy, Ukraine, European integration, institutional and legal mechanism, efficiencyAbstract
The information policy is considered as a set of state measures and strategies aimed at forming and regulating the information space. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study of Ukraine’s information policy in the process of European integration is based on approaches that take into account the systemic, communicative and regulatory aspects. It is established that institutional mechanisms play a key role in ensuring the effective implementation of Ukraine’s information policy in the context of European integration through coordination of government agencies, implementation of European standards in the field of information, and active participation of civil society, and Ukraine is moving towards integration into the European information space. It is proved that legal mechanisms, special laws and information campaigns are key elements of Ukraine’s information policy in the process of European integration. They are aimed at ensuring transparency, raising public awareness and adapting national legislation to European standards. Among the challenges and shortcomings of Ukraine’s information policy, the following are highlighted: insufficient funding and resource provision; uneven implementation of information policy in the regions; the influence of external disinformation and propaganda; the low level of media literacy of the population is another serious problem that limits the effectiveness of information policy; lack of a systematic approach. To summarize, the analysis of the effectiveness of Ukraine’s information policy in the process of European integration shows that it has significant achievements, but also faces numerous challenges. Successful legislative reforms, active information campaigns, and the development of independent media have become important steps towards Ukraine’s integration into the European space. However, in order to achieve more significant efficiency, it is necessary to develop a systematic approach to this area of state policy, to overcome the problems associated with financing, uneven policy implementation and external information threats.
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