The concept of “bureaucracy”, its essence, evolution and interpretation


  • N. Perepelytsia Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка



bureaucracy, management, administration, centralization, oligarchization, democratization


The article analyzes the evolution and essence of the concept of “bureaucracy” as a specific form of social organization and relations in a society in which the centers of executive power are practically independent of the majority of its members. It is noted that bureaucracy is an integral institution of public administration. The author determines that the essence of bureaucracy, its role and importance for society and the State are revealed through its functions. The main function of bureaucracy is administration, since the emergence of bureaucracy is associated with ensuring the functioning of the State. Bureaucracy performs a service function, as it ensures the provision of public services to the population. The effectiveness of the control function requires impartiality and independence of the bureaucracy from business and politics. It is found that the concepts and theories of bureaucracy can be conditionally divided into two groups: in one group, bureaucracy is idealized, and in the other group, it is criticized and considered as a negative phenomenon of modern politics. It is noted that a common characteristic of all concepts of bureaucracy is its interpretation as a fundamental principle of social order, which is the defining principle of the exercise of power in society and the State as a whole, through the organization of a centralized management system institutionally separated from society. By systematizing the concepts and scientific works of recognized scholars, the following common features of bureaucracy are summarized: it performs management functions and arose in the division of labor between those who manage and those who are managed; the growth of organizations leads to the emergence of managers and leads to the oligarchization of organizations; bureaucracy acquires a special role due to special education, managerial knowledge and can use the position for its own purposes; bureaucracy is inherent in any society.


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