Power of local governments in ukrainian society in the context of russian aggression


  • F. Semenchenko Київський національний університет будівництва і архітектури




local self-government, government, state, civil society, law, law, Russian aggression, war, martial law


Local self-government is seen as an institution of public authority and, at the same time, a form of direct participation of the population in solving local problems. From this point of view, the following indicators of local self-government development are defined: transparency and openness of activities and intentions of local self-government bodies and officials; accessibility of local self-government bodies for direct appeals from citizens and effectiveness of feedback; anti-corruption resistance of local self-government bodies; widespread use of direct democracy and public consultation mechanisms at the local level. The author outlines the basic principles of local self-government: decentralization, subsidiarity, responsibility, freedom, equality and direct participation of citizens in governance. The following new challenges to local governments brought by the Russian aggression are highlighted: destruction of infrastructure; forced migration of the population; temporary occupation of territories; disorganization of governance. The main practical aspects of the activities of local self-government bodies in wartime are identified: reorganization of management; support of the population; security; restoration of infrastructure. The author thoroughly analyzes the main provisions of the Law of Ukraine “On the Legal Regime of Martial Law”, which establishes special rules and restrictions relating to state authorities and local self-government bodies. Its achievements, shortcomings and threats are demonstrated. It is summarized that in the context of Russian aggression, local governments in Ukraine have become key elements in ensuring stability and security at the local level. Their activities have undergone significant changes, but at the same time they have been able to adapt to new challenges while maintaining the ability to provide vital functions for citizens.


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