Geopolitical dimension of China’s foreign policy on the postradian space: creeping economic expansion


  • D. Nelipa Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка
  • M. Vorona Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка



People’s Republic of China, foreign policy, geopolitics, post-Soviet space, economic expansion, Russian-Ukrainian war


The article examines the geopolitical dimension of China’s foreign policy in the post-Soviet space. The cooperation of the People’s Republic of China with the countries of the post-Soviet space and the peculiarities of international politics in this region are studied. Special attention in the study is given to Chinese-Ukrainian relations in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Attention is focused on the features of "pro-Russian neutrality" in the international policy of the People’s Republic of China. It is noted that the policy of creeping economic expansion forces China to simultaneously form constructive relations with all countries, even hostile to each other, which gives Beijing the opportunity to achieve the necessary profit and benefit.
It is emphasized that until February 24, 2022, Russia and China acted as formally equal partners. The article proves that over the past two years Russia’s dependence on the PRC has not only increased, but has become almost total and has gone beyond the scope of economy and security. This dependence has already become political. China considers the war in Ukraine primarily from the point of view of confrontation with the United States. But at the same time, there are agreements between the PRC and the USA regarding the restoration of military communication between the states and cooperation in the field of counter-narcotics. But these agreements do not affect China’s cooperation with Russia and the pro-Russian position towards Ukraine. The People’s Republic of China calls for respect for the sovereignty of all countries, to abandon the "Cold War mentality", to stop hostilities and to sit down at the negotiating table. The People’s Republic of China called for an end to "unilateral sanctions". A total of 12 points were included in the Chinese "peace plan". Rather, it is a streamlined set of postulates of the Chinese position regarding the war in Ukraine. Among other things, the Chinese "plan" expressed respect for the territorial integrity of "all countries", while not naming Ukraine, whose territorial integrity was violated by Russia. It is noted that the lack of attention to the Ukrainian position on the part of the Chinese authorities is increasingly destroying the Chinese "soft power" in Ukraine.


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