Symbolic means of forming identity policy


  • K. Goldenstein Політико-правовий коледж «АЛСКО» (м. Київ, Україна)



identity, identity politics, symbol, symbolic means, symbolic interactionism, mobilization of identities, political mythology, political ritual, political holidays, politics of memory, collective consciousness


The article analyzes identity politics as a symbolic practice that determines the social and political reality and peculiarities of human existence, taking into account the systems of collective and individual ideas and symbols as essential elements of the formation of political existence. The essence of the mechanisms and symbolic means of identity politics is substantiated. Emphasis is placed on the understanding of the political world as a kind of space formed on the basis of social ideas and symbolic meanings. The questions of the formation of social ideas, the essence of symbolism and the possibilities of a rational understanding of the political as symbolic are investigated.
The key elements of the interaction between political myths, rituals and identity politics are identified, and attention is drawn to the significance of political holidays as symbolic forms for the creation of political reality and identity formation. It is noted that each country implements the politics of identity, relying on the politics of memory, which acts as the spiritual basis for each nation, preventing the stratification of cultural experience into isolated chronological strata, with the aim of creating a single community in the sense of a political nation. It is noted that stable constructions of symbols contribute to the unity and physicality of the political culture of society.
A general conclusion is made that the use of symbolism to understand the concept of the political helps to determine an important aspect of creating an ontology of the political world, establishing an understanding of the broader context of identity politics and its symbolic dimension in modern society. It is noted that in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war, symbolic elements serve as a powerful means of expressing the interests and positions of the Ukrainian state.


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Політична культура та ідеологія