Contextualization of National Narratives in the Memorial Industry on the Example of Mnemohistorical Analysis in the Longitudinal Study of Tina van der Vlies


  • M. Petrakov Південноукраїнський національний університет імені К. Д. Ушинського



memorial policy, memory, national identity, political process, mnemonic analysis, political conjuncture, narratives


The memorial industry, which includes the creation, maintenance and promotion of cultural and educational initiatives, plays an important role in preserving and shaping individual and collective memories. National narratives, as key elements of the memorial industry, reflect the cultural and historical perceptions, ideals, and values of a society, influencing the formation of a collective identity. However, the memorial industry can be a field of political and ideological struggle, where different groups try to promote their own interpretations of history. History textbooks, as an important tool for shaping national narratives, often perpetuate traditional historical narratives while ignoring new findings and ideas, contributing to structural amnesia. Research in this area, such as the works of F. Ankersmith, A. Assman, J. Assman, and others, develops mnemonic analysis aimed at analyzing the ways in which historical events are reflected and interpreted in public memory. The aim of the paper is to determine the impact of the political context – contextualization – on the dynamics of the memorial industry and the stability of basic national narratives through the analysis of a longitudinal study by Tina van der Vlies, which makes a significant contribution to understanding the impact of the political context on the dynamics of the memorial industry and the stability of basic national narratives through a longitudinal analysis of history textbooks in the UK and the Netherlands. The article concludes that while some elements of the narratives remain unchanged, the choice of topics and emphasis in textbooks evolves, reflecting the influence of the socio-political context without direct political intervention.This indicates the dynamism of narratives, where events and characters can fade into the background or become relevant again, depending on their relevance to the present.The study demonstrates the importance of historicizing and engaging a variety of sources, including new media, for a deeper understanding of narrative changes and ruptures.


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