Manipulations in mass media as a tool of political struggle


  • D. Bulhakov Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



communication, technologies, propaganda, information wars, political struggle, mass media, manipulation of public opinion, psychological influence, media strategies, critical thinking


Over the last decade, the technologies of political manipulation have significantly changed. They have become more versatile, mobile, and their impact on political consciousness and the value orientations of citizens has increased. In addition to well-known technologies, such as the strategy of «managed chaos» and reflexive control, new types of political manipulations have emerged. They utilize modern means of communication, designed to manage the conditions of artificially created political instability. The massive socio-political transformations of Ukrainian society in recent decades, the transformation of power structures, and the total rethinking and change of social ideals and values highlight the importance of studying institutions that influence public opinion. The formation of new relations between power and citizens, as well as the active participation of broad layers of the population in making politically significant decisions, necessitate the improvement of communication structures and mechanisms.
In the modern world, mass media play a key role in shaping public opinion and political discourse. They serve not only as a source of information for a wide audience but also as a forum for discussing various views and ideas that represent the interests of the public. The media facilitate the exchange of information between political parties, groups, potential representatives of power, and the public, contributing to greater transparency and citizen engagement in state governance.
However, besides positive aspects, mass media can be used as a tool of political struggle, where manipulations and propaganda become means to achieve certain goals. This includes careful monitoring and control over the actions of state bodies, public organizations, and other authorities to ensure their accountability to society. Such an approach allows for the detection and illumination of cases of abuse, corruption, and other negative phenomena, promoting the formation of a critical attitude towards the information presented by the media.
The role of mass media in political discourse and their impact on public opinion are subjects of constant analysis and research, as they are an essential element of a democratic society. At the same time, it is necessary to emphasize the importance of developing critical thinking and media literacy among the population to minimize the risks of manipulation and the spread of unreliable information.


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