State support for IDPs as a safeguard against migration of ukrainians abroad


  • H. Lavrynenko Київський столичний університет імені Бориса Грінченка
  • M. Prymush Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



migration, forced migration, IDPs, transformation, state support, integration, universalism, demographic crisis


The problem analysed in this article is related to the current challenges faced by Ukraine in 2014, and especially in 2022, which require urgent resolution in order to minimise the negative consequences for the preservation and further functioning of the Ukrainian State. The authors point out that the forced migration of the Ukrainian population is caused by hostilities on the territory of the State, as well as by the occupation and annexation of certain territories. It puts an additional burden on the State, associated with solving a number of problems and contradictions of a socio-cultural, political and economic nature. It is noted that forced migration results in the emergence of a separate category of citizens – internally displaced persons (IDPs). It is emphasised that IDPs are potential migrants to other states in the event of a deterioration in the security and socio-economic situation in Ukraine. The authors emphasise the need to maximise the state’s efforts to integrate IDPs into new communities, as well as to provide socio-economic support to IDPs. On the example of Kyiv and Vinnytsia regions, the authors examine the opportunities offered by these communities for the successful integration of IDPs. It is found that in both regions, Coordination Councils for Internally Displaced Persons have been established to promote and protect the rights of IDPs. Local authorities have developed programme documents, instructions and roadmaps to accelerate the adaptation of IDPs. The authors of the study also provide a list of local programmes to support and protect the rights of IDPs. It is noted that the key drawback of integration initiatives at the local level is the lack of funds in local budgets to motivate IDPs to stay in Ukraine. The authors propose a universal mechanism for solving this problem, which consists in consolidating the State’s efforts to support the population, considering the possibility of changing the tax collection system, and strengthening decentralisation. It is determined that if the State ignores this problem, it should be expected that the population will further decline due to the departure of IDPs abroad, which will exacerbate the demographic crisis in the State.


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