Security dimensions in the digital age


  • O. Vinnichuk Кам’янець-Подільський національний університет імені Івана Огієнка
  • V. Markitantov Кам’янець-Подільський національний університет імені Івана Огієнка



security, information society, information security, hi-tech, hi-sensor, hybrid warfare


The article analyzes the essence of security as a social, cultural, economic and political phenomenon. The author emphasizes that the issue of security, safe environment, and security policy in all spheres of society are urgent today. The problem of interdependence of the security space for modern society and the observance of human rights are revealed. The analytical data of the report of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and the research of well-known researchers and practitioners in the field of security policy are taken into account. It is proved that in the context of the development of a modern "networked" society, a new generation of information technologies – hi-tech (high-tech) and hi-sensor (high sensor-technology) technologies – play a significant role. These technologies are creating a new model of security relations at the level of citizen-citizen, citizen-state, state-state, etc. It is emphasized that in modern society, the latest information technologies contribute to the development of democracy and at the same time act as a tool for its destabilization. For instance, in the context of information warfare, all measures in the information space (fakes, propaganda, manipulations) are aimed at critically thinking members of society. The author proves, using the example of the russian-Ukrainian war, that the information space remains dominant in confronting the aggressor, in addition to the military one. This fact demonstrates the power of the new format of public administration in the fight for a safe environment. An important aspect of security policy during the Russian-Ukrainian war was the activity of online volunteer movements. As a result, the importance of strengthening the protection of Ukrainian cyberspace, which has emerged since 2014, is substantiated. The author identifies the priority areas of ensuring information security of Ukraine.


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