Transformation of the national security strategy of the Scandinavian countries: lessons learned for Ukraine


  • I. Vorotilova Військова академія (м. Одеса)



Scandinavian countries, transformation, national security, NATO, national security aspects, international military cooperation


The topic of the transformation of the national security strategy of the Scandinavian countries is extremely relevant for Ukraine due to the need to study the effective approaches of these countries to maintaining security in the context of a changing world order and geopolitical risks. The experience of small-sized Scandinavian countries in the formation of a national security strategy will be useful for the development of Ukraine’s national security and preservation of sovereignty. In today’s environment, it is extremely important to engage international partners, in particular the Scandinavian countries, in joint work on security issues which will help to increase the level of protection of national interests. The aim of the article is to identify the main priorities in the field of national security of the Scandinavian countries and to suggest possible ways of cooperation and exchange of experience between Ukraine and the Scandinavian countries to improve the level of national security. In the article the author uses general scientific and special research methods of theoretical and empirical nature, namely: the method of generalization, systematic analysis of scientific literature on the problem under study, comparative method, methods of observation, systematic approach and content analysis. The article focuses on the transformation of the Scandinavian countries’ national security strategy – from «northern stability», the absence of an enemy image, and neutrality policy to unification of joint efforts within NATO in order to strengthen their defence capabilities. The author concludes that in the current geopolitical environment, Russia is seen by the Scandinavian countries as the main threat to their national security. The author emphasizes that studying the experience of Scandinavian countries in the field of national security and rapprochement with these countries in the framework of international military cooperation will contribute to the modernization of Ukraine’s national security system. Based on the results of the study and on the author’s personal experience of participating in the international conference the main narratives of which are presented in the article the main priorities in the field of national security of the Scandinavian countries are identified and recommendations are made on the areas of deepening cooperation between Ukraine and the Scandinavian countries.


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