The russian model of "limitless" hybrid warfare: main characteristics


  • V. Horbatenko Інститут держави і права імені В. М. Корецького НАН України (м. Київ, Україна)



hybrid war, Russian hybrid aggression, Russian-Ukrainian war, humanitarian policy, racism, propaganda, separatism, deportation, filtering, genocide of the Ukrainian people, international law


The achievements of the discourse on the understanding of the phenomenon of hybrid war are systematized. The main characteristics of the Russian model of hybrid warfare are defined and substantiated. Such characteristics include: 1) creation of closed-type quasi-reality within one’s country and in the occupied territories by propaganda and repressive means; 2) undermining the legitimacy of the government and fanning intrastate contradictions in the territory of the victim of aggression; creeping expansion with the creation of pseudo-republics, support and use of separatist-terrorist groups; protection of "compatriots", "fellow citizens", sanctified by the ideology of the so-called "Russian peace" also using the preservation and strengthening of the economic dependence of the former Soviet republics, the penetration of Russian capital into strategic sectors of national economies; 3) replacing hybrid aggression with the concept of "civil war", the aggressor identifying himself as a "peacemaker" and mediator, attributing the role of the attacker to the object of the attack – the Russian authorities qualified the events of 2013–2014 as a "coup d’état", the coming to power in Kyiv of "juntas", "civil war", etc.; 4) blurring the differences between the state of war and peace under the guise of a "special military operation"; manipulation of democratic standards, humanitarian policy in order to justify mass lies, crimes against humanity, genocide of the Ukrainian people and forced relocation of Ukrainians, including to the Russian Federation; 5) restoration of the Cold War world order with the corresponding polarization of the world and arbitrary interpretation of the norms of international law. Directions for countering hybrid war are proposed, taking into account synchronous and asynchronous methods and means of resisting aggression and ensuring the system of national security and collective European security for the long term.


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