Impact of digitalization on achieving socio-political aspects of global sustainable development
digitalization; sustainable development; Sustainable Development Goals; information technology; globalizationAbstract
The article is devoted to determining the features of the impact of digitalization on the achievement of socio-political aspects of global sustainable development.
The article examines the development of the theory of sustainable development from its genesis in the 1970s of the previous century to the seventeen goals of sustainable development defined in 2015. Among the goals that are given the most attention in the study, we can name "Overcoming poverty in all its manifestations", "Ensuring a healthy lifestyle", "Quality education", "Gender equality", "Reducing inequality", "Sustainable development of cities and communities", "Peace, justice and strong institutions", "Partnership for sustainable development".
It was determined that the transformation of the concept of sustainable development into the main paradigm of the development of modern society took place in the conditions of the gradual development of digitalization. In turn, the development of digitalization in a certain way affects the achievement of the goals of sustainable development. Digitalization in these conditions has acquired a solid foundation for its development. The offer of digital content involves solving the goals of sustainable development and user satisfaction in an intelligent product that forms a new worldview based on the principles of smart consumption, certain limitations, and finding a way to harmonize the relationship between society and the surrounding natural environment.
The impact of digitalization on achieving the goals of sustainable development should be manifested in a change in the worldview of the population of the least developed countries of the world. This influence should occur in different directions. First of all, it is necessary to solve the problem of increasing the educational level of the population of developing countries. The relationship between population growth and the level of education is direct. A higher level of education corresponds to a lower birth rate. Therefore, education will help the population of developing countries to change their life priorities and be more careful about the process of creating a family and procreation.
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What are the Sustainable Development Goals? URL:
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