Military and political communication of Ukraine with the European Union and the USA




military-political communication; martial law; unified information policy; European Union; hybrid war and information struggle


The article analyzes military-political communication as an integral part of a complex network of international relations, where interaction between countries in the spheres of military and political activity is determined by the effectiveness of the use of information strategies, which is especially important and relevant for Ukraine.
The purpose of our research is aimed at analyzing and determining the features of military-political communication between Ukraine and the European Union and the United States in the period until 2021 and until 2023.
Scientific novelty lies in the context of geopolitical turbulence, such as the expansion of Russian influence, the crisis in Ukraine and global changes, the importance of military-political communication becomes strategically significant. Ukraine’s ability to effectively defend its positions, protect its interests and mobilize the support of the international community directly affects the security, stability and future prospects of the country. Perhaps the emergence of new players and technologies can also significantly affect the strategy of military-political communication, which requires constant monitoring and adaptation.
It was found out that, the military-political communication between Ukraine, the EU and the USA in the period of 2021-2023 proved to be effective and decisive for the regional geopolitical picture. This communication not only strengthened relations between Ukraine and its partners, but also weakened Russia’s position in the region. In addition, Ukraine managed to maintain the interest of the US in the strategic narratives of cooperation and the development of a large number of non-security formats of cooperation. In total, during 2022, the United States of America allocated more than $30.4 billion in security assistance to Ukraine, and this support has become crucial in strengthening defense capabilities and strengthening tactical capabilities.


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