Using Project Management Approaches in the Implementation of Strategic Communications
strategic communications; humanitarian policy; national security; nation; project management; globalization; geopolitics; ethnopoliticsAbstract
The article attempts to provide a political science analysis of the peculiarities and prospects
of using project management in the implementation of Ukraine’s strategic communications in accordance with modern procedures and practices of NATO member states.
It is established that today, practically the only tool for assessing the effectiveness of the strategic communications system is expert methods based on the experience of specialists in the field of information security and communications.
It is found that the application of project management approaches in the implementation of strategic communications is aimed at improving the systematic decision-making and controllability of processes aimed at creating and developing strategic communications capabilities and the effectiveness of the implementation of the State humanitarian policy.
The author outlines the peculiarities of the implementation of state strategic communications under martial law, in particular, the expediency of using the SMART methodology (for planning measures
for the implementation of strategic communications) and the DOTMLPFI methodology (for evaluating the effectiveness of measures for the implementation of strategic communications).
It is proved that an important principle of strategic communications implementation should be strategic flexibility – the ability to effectively vary the goals that ensure timely and effective change
of the set of possible solutions and is based on the forecasting of strategic surprises, both favorable and unfavorable.
It is summarized that the use of project management tools in the implementation of strategic communications will help to organize planning and evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of state strategic communications in a more flexible, systematic and efficient way.
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