Methodological aspects of the institutionalization of civil society in Ukraine
civil society; democracy; institution of public society; institutionalization of civil society; social partnership; effectiveness of democratic institutionsAbstract
The concept of "institutionalization of civil society" is defined as the process of transformation of a phenomenon, movement (informal institutions) into an organized institution; with an orderly process with a certain structure of relationships, hierarchy of power, discipline, rules of conduct; establishment of social institutions; with the process, as well as with the result of the process in which the political (social) phenomenon becomes orderly, standardized by means of norms; as a process of formation and development of new state and social institutions as established forms of organization of human activity, as a replacement of spontaneous or experimental behavior with predictable behavior that is calculated, modeled and regulated; as an active process of developing and consolidating social norms, rules, statuses, roles and transforming them into a system capable of acting to meet civic needs.
The main forms and mechanisms of interaction of democratic institutions are allocated: consultations with the public, participation in consultative and advisory bodies, holding public events, involvement of public organizations at the level of local self-government. Three basic forms of interaction between public organizations and political parties have been identified and analyzed: initiative-consultative, coordination, and focused on close cooperation. The main functions of the anti-crisis institutionalization of civil society are characterized: implementation of measures for the development of civil society, regulation of social parameters of the economic process, ensuring political stability, reducing the level of public tension by regulating the activities of institutions and creating new public associations.
It is substantiated that the institutionalization of civil society changes its role in the formation of democracy in the face of the latest challenges. After the Revolution of Dignity and in the face of a military threat, representatives of public organizations are called upon to play important political functions of restructuring the state, involving its institutions in accordance with European norms. Volunteers, networked communities, various civic initiatives and movements are the subjects capable of forming the backbone of a real and capable civil society.
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