Self-government as a factor of development сivil society in the Republic of Poland




civil society; non-governmental sector; principle of subsidiarity; District Councils; local identity; Institute for Legislative Initiatives; Voivodeship Social Protection Committee


The article shows that an important element for the spread of civic activity and the development of civil society is the development of self-government in local governments. Local self-government and civil society are independent institutions, but they influence each other. There is no full-fledged modern civil society without a well-functioning system of institutional self-government. Just as there is no effective local
self-government without its strengthening through cooperation with civil society institutions. In addition, local self-government cannot adequately fulfill its social tasks without applying the principle of subsidiarity. The reasons for the weakness of civil society in Poland are identified.
At the same time, it is noted that the reform of local self-government, general elections to local
self-government bodies, the introduction of the institute of citizens’ legislative initiative, the introduction of the so-called participatory budget and the introduction of a referendum demonstrate the great importance of these new forms of democracy for the development and functioning of civil society.
A sociological analysis of the civil positions of Poles leads to the conclusion of significant social passivity of citizens, and therefore, the weakness of Polish civil society.
It is stated that the quintessence of the idea of civil society is the belief that life in a democratic state, in which most issues are decided by the majority united in political parties, should not lead to apathy and alienation of citizens from public life, but rather there should be mechanisms for the development of civic prestige and social self-organization independent of the actions of the political apparatus of the modern state.


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