Educational processes in Crimea as a basis for the formation of national identification: problems of future reintegration




Crimea; Ukraine; occupation; language; Ukrainian language; education; educational process; national self-identification; reintegration; war


The article is aimed at studying modern educational processes that take place on the territory of the occupied Crimea. The historical and political component that influenced the current political situation is presented. Attention is paid to the changes in the educational process that took place after the occupation of the peninsula. The article formulates the problems of the future reintegration of the peninsula, which should be solved now, first of all, in the field of education.
The main theses, which the occupying power relies on in the educational process, are highlighted, namely: severing any ties with Ukraine (the main idea); formation of all-Russian civic identity; distorted perception of Ukraine; the existence of Ukraine as a state is denied; education in the younger generation of a sense of involvement in the fate of the Russian Federation; the formation of a positive attitude towards the leadership of Russia / the Soviet Union, the dictatorship, the indisputability of the power of the government; creating a negative perception of the countries of the collective West; positive attitude and perception of Russian traditional moral and spiritual values; militarization.
It is determined that after the occupation of the Crimean peninsula, there is a process of total Russification of education and the actual destruction of Ukrainian-language and Crimean Tatar education on the peninsula. The author substantiates the idea that the study of only one Russian language and teaching it is a violation of the basic rights of indigenous peoples and national minorities to receive education in their native language. It is emphasized that the educational process has turned under occupation into an instrument of Russia’s propaganda policy and at the same time, as a means of destroying everything that connects Crimea with Ukraine. The signs of the policy of the occupation authorities in Crimea regarding education are determined and it is determined that today it is impossible to receive education in the native language. The educational process is characterized by the total militarization of the educational process. The occupation authorities do not comply with the decision of the International Court of Justice and continue the course towards total Russification of the educational process.
It is necessary to study the impact of educational processes that are currently taking place on the Crimean peninsula regarding the formation of national identification. This is an urgent problem, the solution of which should become the basis for the younger generation of the population of the peninsula to understand themselves as Ukrainians.


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