Characteristics of the formation of historical memory in the political processes of modern Spain
historical memory; Spain; civil war; Second Republic; Comintern; USSR; socialist government; Law on democratic memoryAbstract
In the article, the author analyzes the example of Spain, which survived in the twentieth century, among other things, the long and bloody civil war and the almost 40-year authoritarian regime, the attitude to the tragic past, its assessment, that is, the peculiarities of the formation of historical memory. The author notes that the main help of the transition from authoritarianism to democracy, that is, the unique Spanish democratic transit, was the agreement of the leading political forces on national reconciliation and the rejection of their past ideological preferences and slogans for the sake of transit. This arrangement was in effect for 30 years.The article notes that only the coming to power of the SSWP gave impetus to the return to the reassessment of the historical past. The Socialist government has achieved the passage of the Law on Democratic Memory, which was met with extreme ambiguity by the Spanish community, since it is ideologically oriented to completely rehabilitate the left-wing parties (communists and socialists), their true participation in the emergence, development and consequences of the civil war.
With the involvement of a significant circle of original Spanish sources, the article refutes the idealization of the activities of the socialist party during the Second Republic and the Civil War. We are talking about the complete subordination of the socialist-communist governments of the Second Republic to the dictate of Moscow, the fulfilment of its orders, the intentions of the Soviet leadership to foment the proletarian revolution in the Pyrenees with the help of Spanish communists and socialists and establish a Soviet republic here. Data are given on numerous casualties caused by the activities of socialist-communist governments in the republican zone. A number of myths of foreign Marxist historiography about the beginning, course and end of the Spanish Civil War and the role of the Spanish left-wing parties in this are refuted.
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