The elephant of blind pundits: political propaganda in an infinity of dimensions
propaganda; legitimization; identity; mythology; ideology; communication; public diplomacy; electronic diplomacy; political psychology; hermeneuticsAbstract
The relevance of the research topic is due to the scientific myopia of researchers who focus on certain aspects of propaganda and unjustified explanation of the propaganda nature based on extrapolation of its individual dimensions to the interpretation of propaganda as a whole. The dialectic of political propaganda is that its essence determines the infinity of its dimensions and manifestations, which are constantly multiplying, and the multiplicity of its dimensions and manifestations infinitely expands its essence. The purpose of the study is to comprehend political propaganda as a set of its various dimensions and manifestations that determine its multidimensional and inclusive nature. The results of the study are the identified and characterized manifestations and dimensions of political propaganda. The authors summarize their research in the conclusion. Propaganda is synonymous with spiritual power, which binds the ideas, thoughts, desires, intentions and actions of social actors into a single space of domination and subordination in anticipation of promised satisfaction. True propaganda is hidden and invisible to its recipients, but omnipresent. Political propaganda is everything that effectively serves the interests of the government, i.e., ensures the voluntary subordination of social actors to the ruling forces, contrary to their own life values, ideals and objective needs. Propaganda is implemented in both domestic and foreign policy. It is unlimited in its manifestations, dimensions, methods and goals. With the help of such a research method as hermeneutics, the authors managed to «catch» it in such forms of manifestation as spiritual colonization, soft power, legitimization, subtle seduction, construction of significance, ideologization, nominalization, mythologization, symbolization, ritualization, emotionalization, public and electronic diplomacy, confrontation between enemies and friends, dispute of narratives, post-truth, an instance of communication and an instrument of national security.
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