Planning of measures for the implementation of humanitarian policy


  • S. V. Prysiazhniuk Військовий інститут Київського національного університету імені Тараса Шевченка



humanitarian policy; humanitarian sphere; mass culture; planning; strategic planning; strategic communications


The article analyzes the features of the organization of planning measures for the implementation of humanitarian policy as a strategically important task and one of the key prerequisites for sustainable development of the country. The state humanitarian policy is considered as the main factor in the legitimation of public power and the consolidation of the state and civil society.
It is proved that the effective functioning of the humanitarian sphere of the State requires the use of advanced technologies for planning management processes and should take into account the goals, principles, mechanisms and specific measures aimed at creating conditions for the full humanitarian development of society, revealing and enriching its intellectual potential, ensuring the comprehensive spiritual and creative realization of the individual and the necessary sociodynamics of education, science, art, literature and others components of spiritual life.
The key tools for strategic planning of humanitarian policy are outlined, which include complex process, partially process and substantive tools, as well as systematic approaches to planning measures for the implementation of humanitarian policy.
A promising concept of planning measures for the implementation of humanitarian policy, quality control tools and risk management methods in the context of planning measures for the implementation of humanitarian policy is proposed.
It is determined that to assess the effectiveness of planning measures for the implementation of humanitarian policy, you can use such methods as the rank method, matrix methods, STEP-analysis, SWOT-analysis, SPACE-analysis, GAR-analysis, LOTS-analysis, RIMS-analysis, etc. In turn, risk identification can be carried out both according to the cause-effect scheme (what can happen and what it will lead to) and according to the consequence-cause scheme (what consequences should be avoided and, on the contrary, aspired to, what events these consequences can cause).
It is summarized that effective planning of measures for the implementation of humanitarian policy contributes to the achievement of consensus between various social forces and interests, ensuring the democratic consolidation of society, its development within the basic values of national security of the State.


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