Relationship between e-government and civil society in Ukraine
e-governance; e-democracy; civil society; e-governance models; state policyAbstract
This article reveals the cause-and-effect relationships of transformational changes in Ukrainian society, which became more active after the end of the Revolution of Dignity.
This article examines the relationship between e-governance and civil society based on the study of the specifics of the implementation of the Concept of e-governance development and citizen involvement in public administration.
During the research, attention was focused on existing e-governance models that are popular abroad and in Ukraine. According to these models, their impact on citizen involvement was analyzed. The most popular models are defined as: G2C (government to citizen) – "government – citizens", G2B (government to business) "government – business" and G2G (government to government) "government – government".
During the study, attention is focused on the interaction of "G2C" – government for citizens. because this is where interaction with civil society is laid. This model is aimed at citizens for whom integrated electronic services using the "single window" principle are approaching.
The development of e-democracy, which directly depends on the e-government system, is analyzed. The main goal of e-democracy is to approximate the rights of citizens in the context of implementation and formation of state policy. An important role in the implementation of e-democracy tools is played by citizens’ awareness of governance issues and the completion of the decentralization reform. Since one of the goals of e-governance is to increase the level of citizen involvement in state activities and state decision-making.
It was determined that important components of e-democracy in Ukraine are access to public information and direct participation of citizens in the management process. Electronic petitions, e-declarations, and open data portals are among the most important tools of Ukraine’s e-democracy.
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Положення про Єдиний державний вебпортал електронних послуг: Постанова Кабінету Міністрів України від 4 грудня 2019 р. No 1137 URL: