Regional policy of Ukraine: problems and prospects


  • A. Yu. Kravets Національний технічний університет «Дніпровська політехніка»
  • I. V. Astakhov Національний технічний університет «Дніпровська політехніка»



regional policy; region; regional development; European Union


State regional policy in Ukraine in 2014-2023 has reached a new level of development, there is an intensification of decentralization processes, which contributes to the balanced development of Ukrainian territorial communities and regions. Ukraine has the opportunity to speed up its accession to the European Union (EU), so the reconstruction and regional development plans should already comply with European rules, gaining experience here and strengthening the confidence of foreign partners in investments in regional development. In recent years, Ukraine has observed increased attention to regionalist research, in-depth theoretical investigations into the essence of the main concepts related to the development of socio-economic territorial systems, the development of new terms of political regionalism, the justification of the latest approaches to the formation and implementation of regional policy, the improvement of the system and the process of managing the internal regions of the state. However, taking into account the new extremely complex challenges, the modern state strategy of regional development of Ukraine needs significant changes and additions. There is an urgent need to create a specialized executive authority, the purpose of which will be the formation and implementation of regional policy, the collection and analysis of statistical data, monitoring of development and assistance to problem regions. There is no doubt about the need to strengthen cooperation between regional and state institutions, active use of already existing cooperation programs with international organizations for the purpose of regional development, development and implementation of innovative programs, as well as a system of monitoring and evaluating the impact of regional policy on the development of the national economy and its adaptation to norms of the European Union. The integration of Ukraine into the EU means that all internal socio-economic and political transformations must be built around the European vector.


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