Regional policy in the context of military state in Ukraine
state regional policy; regional development management; institutional support for territorial development; territorial organization of power; regional development agencyAbstract
The scientific article presents the main aspects of contemporary regional policy in Ukraine
in the conditions of a military state, examining the process of adapting key institutions managing regional development to the current realities in the country. The study explores the fundamental aspects of the updated State Strategy for Regional Development of Ukraine for 2021-2027 in connection with the military threat from the Russian Federation and Ukraine’s ongoing Eurointegration achievements, including Ukraine’s acquisition of candidate status for membership in the European Union.
The process and approaches to regional typology are analyzed with the aim of adapting regional development management to wartime conditions and developing effective mechanisms for the recovery and development of regions and territorial communities. The necessity of adapting European approaches to regional typology to the domestic conditions of wartime is demonstrated.
Furthermore, the article establishes the need for synchronizing the decentralization reform with reforms in the field of regional policy to comprehensively address issues of regional development and the establishment of capable local self-government for post-war recovery and development of regions and territorial communities.
The study investigates the process of restructuring the functions of regional development agencies in the conditions of a military state, establishing the role of regional development agencies in the formation and implementation of state regional policy, as well as in the preparation and execution of regional development strategies.
It was established that the influence of the central government on the regions should be differentiated, namely: in the presence of full-fledged local self-government in the region, the state influence on its development should be minimized; management of the regional development of regions in need of restoration should be centralized until the full restoration of the work of public authorities, the resolution of financial, social and other humanitarian issues in the territorial communities of the region.
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Державна стратегія регіонального розвитку на 2021-2027 роки. URL: