Transformation of the political system of Ukraine in the context of modern challenges
political system; Ukraine; transformation; challenges; power; globalization; geopoliticsAbstract
The transformation of the political system of Ukraine is examined since the declaration of its independence in the article. The main emphasis is on the period from the Revolution of Dignity to the present day. It was established that the transformation of the political system of Ukraine was due to the influence of both intra-systemic and extra-systemic factors. Democratization is one of the main non-systemic facts and global challenges of our time. It was noted that transformations began with mass dissatisfaction with the existing order. It is emphasized that, like all revolutions, as well as those that took place in Ukraine in the modern period of its independence, they were carried out thanks to the hope of achieving certain or other great results. Meanwhile, the Revolution of Dignity contributed to the mass awakening and introduced a new element into the process of transformation of the political system, namely: the Ukrainian people in their majority became the driving force of changes, society began to determine the fate of Ukraine, and the government began to listen and obey the goals set by the people. Special attention is paid to the state of the communicative subsystem, which is considered as a way of interaction between political subjects, a way of their participation in political life in the country, involvement in making and implementing political decisions and practical actions. It is noted that the new positive qualities of globalism have also acquired negative costs. Modern global transformation processes, the formation of a new world order caused the creation of a new geopolitical situation in it, the characteristic feature of which was the struggle for geopolitical interests, and this caused the emergence of new geopolitical challenges that became an obstacle for Ukraine on the way to the transformation of the political system. The hybrid Russian-Ukrainian war was one of the biggest of them . It is concluded that along with the identified negative challenges of modern times, special attention should be paid to the fact that the main threat to the stability and effectiveness of the transformation of the political system is internal factors.
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