Shanghai Cooperation Organization: history, status and prospects


  • B. V. Holianych Воєнна академія імені Євгенія Березняка
  • V. R. Vakulenko Науково-дослідний інститут воєнної розвідки



China; USA; NATO; EU; Shanghai Cooperation Organization; Shanghai Five; summit; cooperation


The article examines the history of development and the prerequisites for the creation of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. It was established that the prerequisite for the creation of the mentioned organization was the promotion of China's foreign policy, the maintenance of diplomatic relations with neighboring countries, the resolution of territorial disputes left over from Soviet times, the development of mutual trust of the military on the border, and China's energy security.
To date, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization includes nine member states: India, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, the Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Iran; three observer states; fourteen dialogue partners.
The purpose of the organization is defined, namely: strengthening mutual trust and good-neighborly friendship between member states, encouraging effective cooperation between member states in the political, economic and trade, scientific and technological spheres, culture, education, energy, transport, tourism and other spheres, maintaining and guaranteeing regional peace, security and stability, promoting the establishment of a democratic, fair and reasonable new international political and economic order.
Within the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a number of meetings are held on a regular basis: meetings of heads of state, heads of government and foreign ministers, meetings of leaders of parliaments, national security secretaries and other government ministers, as well as conferences of government ministers, heads of law enforcement agencies, judges and generals prosecutors, etc.
The Shanghai Cooperation Organization is actively expanding external relations and establishing official relations with international and regional organizations, such as the UN, ASEAN, CIS, EurAsEC, EAEU.
The main prospective areas of activity and development of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization have been studied.


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