Sources of research of symbolic aspects politics of memory


  • K. О. Goldenstein Політико-правовий коледж «АЛСКО» (м. Київ, Україна)



memory politics; memory studies; symbolic politics; historical memory; collective memory; national memory


The article analyzes the source base of memory policy research as a constructive element and a key resource of symbolic policy. The proposition that the idea of the past is the most important political resource in the conditions of modern development is substantiated. The main directions of studying the symbolic aspects of the politics of memory within the framework of political science studies, as well as those directly or indirectly related to political science, are systematized. The theoretical-methodological specifics and conceptual-categorical basis of memory policy have been clarified, achievements and miscalculations in its interdisciplinary research have been revealed. The key parameters of symbolic politics as a means of stimulating memory politics are elaborated. The potential possibilities of the approach to memory policy as a set of public interactions of actors who seek to form a certain understanding of the past are determined.
It is proved that in modern conditions, the symbolic potential of historical memory is used to strengthen the legitimacy of the government, which relies on the resource of history and collective memories, inscribed in the mythological panorama of the national community. It was found that historical memory today is becoming a necessary tool for managing political processes, so the power structures are forced to resort to memory politics in order to have an operational and effective influence on society. The experience of applying the policy of crumpled in the structure of the symbolic policy of the state is articulated. The thesis that existing approaches to the politics of memory seek to reveal the mechanisms of transformation of collective memory in the context of its competing interpretations and the struggle for political dominance is substantiated.


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