Security of subjects of competitive intelligence under the influence of modern biometric identification systems


  • V. E. Hunin Воєнна академія імені Євгенія Березняка
  • V. F. Smolianiuk Воєнна академія імені Євгенія Березняка



country of destination; political situation; automated information search system; visa information system; unified biometric system; machine-readable format


In the course of the research, the authors of the article studied the possibilities of modern biometric systems in the leading countries of the world. An analysis of modern forms, methods and procedures for processing anthropogenic biometric indicators by state bodies and private structures of a foreign country for the identification and verification of persons by facial features was carried out. The peculiarities of the use of modern biometric systems of identification by facial features by law enforcement agencies of foreign countries to identify employees of competitive intelligence during their professional tasks have been determined.
Studies have shown that in the conditions of globalization of the digital space, the fight against economic crimes of an international nature and organized transnational crime in today’s conditions is an urgent issue of stability and security for many countries of the world today. To a large extent, this fight is quite effective thanks to the combination of information technology and biometric systems on a global level. In this context, it is worth noting that the law enforcement agencies of many countries of the world have begun to successfully implement modern biometric systems of identification and verification of persons based on their biometric data into their practice.
Recently, there have been qualitative changes in management processes in the world, due
to the intensive implementation of modern information technologies. At the same time, the danger of unauthorized interference in the operation of information systems is increasing. The consequences of such an intervention are becoming more and more unpredictable, and their importance has increased significantly recently. As a result, in many countries, more and more attention is paid to the problems of protecting information of a closed nature and to the search for new ways of solving these problems. At the same time, the possibilities of modern information technologies and specially trained professionals who can gain access to closed information or accumulate it from open sources are growing.
The change in the forms and methods of conducting their work by foreign law enforcement agencies due to the use of biometric technologies causes a contradiction between the forms and methods currently used by entities of competitive intelligence to hide the activities of its employees during the performance of professional intelligence tasks, and the conditions of their implementation.
The evaluation of the capabilities of modern biometric identification systems and the peculiarities of their use by foreign law enforcement agencies gave the authors of the article the opportunity to develop and offer the subjects of competitive intelligence practical recommendations on the organization of countermeasures against modern biometric systems of facial identification.


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