Belief and mistrust as value-motivating attitudes of people’s behavior


  • F. H. Semenchenko Національний університет біоресурсів і природокористування



faith; trust; distrust; political process; democratic development


The common and distinctive features of the categories "faith" and "trust" and their relationship are analyzed. In particular defined that, trust practically follows from faith, that is, it is its result. Faith as an emotional-sensual, irrational instruction has a tendency to be rationalized, substantiated with logical arguments, supplemented with rational postulates. As a result, the basis of policy legitimation is no longer faith in itself, but trust, which includes it, as well as rational postulates and calculations. Trust, thus, is essentially a derivative of faith and reason.
In general, trust has a huge influence on political process. Trust – it is important mechanism of political participation, democratic development, which ensures possibility of permanent relations in political, economical, law, social and other spheres. It is initially formed as a result of interpersonal interaction and cooperation within the framework of formal and informal institutions of civil society, later it becomes the basis for the creation of not only a nationwide network of institutions of civil society, but also contributes to the strengthening of trust in the political institutions that operate, which contributes to the formation of civil culture.
It is substantiated that trust, as a phenomenon, fills an important link in the process of communication between political subjects of all levels, because although it increases the potential possibility of deception, it significantly simplifies the process of verification of information received during communication, provides ample opportunities for cooperation, cooperation. And, on the contrary, mistrust significantly complicates communication, hindering the circulation of information and distorting its content. Trust is a product of individual experience. Due to the frequent repetition of this experience and its institutionalization, political trust is consolidated. The deficit of political trust creates a situation in which the development of many democratic institutions is impossible. An alternative to this development of political relations are hierarchical and formalized organizations built on bureaucratic principles.


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Політична культура та ідеологія