Establishment of civic education in Ukraine


  • Yu. V. Okunovska Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



civic education; patriotic education; donors; state policy; association; defense consciousness


The article defines the main stages of formation of civic education from 2000s to the present. It was determined that the main emphasis was initially made on patriotic education through educational institutions.
There were analyzed the legal framework for civic education, the main ways of implementation and compliance with the conditions of associate membership in the European Union. It was found that after the signing of the Association Agreement with the European Union, it became necessary to raise the issue of the concept of civic education again. The role of coordinator was assumed not by the state, but by representatives of civil society and specialized international public organizations. The leading role in the formation of civic education in Ukraine is played by international organizations: OSCE, UNDP, USAID, Council of Europe.
It was determined that since 2017, civic education has been legally established in the Law of Ukraine "On Education", which declares that the state must create conditions for obtaining civic education aimed at the formation of competencies related to the realization of person’s rights and responsibilities as a member of society.
The issue of financing the development of civic education is studied. Despite the legislative registration of civic education in 2018, the state’s inert attitude towards its financing is observed. International donors and organizations continue to be the main source of funding.
The article determines that from 2022 there will be changes in the legislation, which will focus attention on the definition of civic education as the basis for the formation of citizens’ defense consciousness, ensuring security and awareness of the common interests of human and the state, the formation of skills necessary for active participation in democratic life.


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