Ukraine in the US foreign policy strategy under the administration of J. Biden: the conceptual dimension


  • I. V. Tykhonenko Чорноморський національний університет імені Петра Могили



US foreign policy; Ukrainian-American relations; Ukraine; the concept of global leadership; the new world order


The article attempts to analyze the role of Ukraine in the US foreign policy strategy under the presidency of J. Biden, taking into account its conceptual framework. It was revealed that the foreign policy of the J. Biden administration shows the primacy of the US global leadership concept in the modern world order. The author analyzed the influence of Ukraine and the Russian-Ukrainian war on the implementation of the US foreign policy strategy during the presidency of J. Biden, by the following determinants: 1) the ideas (ideological) framework of the importance of the “Ukrainian” factor in the US foreign policy in the views and main works of Z. Brzezinski and H Kissinger, in particular through the prism of the Russian-Ukrainian war; 2) representation of the concept of global leadership in the document “US National Security Strategy” of the J. Biden administration, and its practical implementation, focusing on Ukraine; 3) the prospects for the formation of the world agenda in the format of the concept of “balance of threats” and the Biden doctrine through the prism of the Ukrainian dimension.
It is noted that Ukraine and the Russian-Ukrainian war occupy one of the leading places in the foreign policy strategy of the Biden administration, as in the documented dimension, as in practical terms. However, it is worth noting that considering the concept of America’s global leadership, Ukraine is not the most important object for its implementation. The author came to the conclusion about the determinism between the achievement of global leadership of America and the concept of “balance of threats” in the formation of world order. Ukraine, its support from Washington, becomes a manifestation of the implementation of the concept of “liberal” America’s hegemony in the form of a union of states under the auspices of the United States to counter a common threat to the democratic world that are implemented in the US foreign policy strategy under the presidency of J. Biden and becomes the factor in the Biden doctrine framework.


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