The main directions and specifics of the use of political symbols in modern Ukraine
symbolic reality; political symbolism; state symbolism; national-state symbols; military symbolism; symbols of the indomitability of the Ukrainian nation; national toponymyAbstract
The proposed article examines the main directions and specifics of the use of symbols in modern Ukraine. The essence and features of the use of state symbols are considered. The process of formation of national identity by symbolic means is characterized. The systematic development of military symbols as a factor in resisting external aggression is clarified. The process of affirming the symbols of the indomitability of the Ukrainian nation in the conditions of the Russian-Ukrainian war is meaningful. The specificity of the formation of toponymy, adequate to the needs of ensuring state sovereignty and national development, has been revealed.
On the basis of the study of the current symbolic reality in Ukraine, it was found that its study allows in modern conditions to reveal the ability to interpret and emotionally perceive political phenomena and processes, to deeply learn the true essence of a certain political order. Delineation of symbolic ways of implementing political activity, transformation of existing reality, construction of reality, formation of a new worldview allows a deeper understanding of the possibilities and difficulties of the process of national identification and resistance to external influences. Ideology, in the absence of pluralism, does not leave a person space for his own ideas and arguments, divides people into "own" and "strangers". Mass symbolization, carried out through symbolic control, allows to distort the consciousness of the masses. This is confirmed by the Russian population’s support for the criminal war against Ukraine. In accordance with this, Ukrainian symbolism, which reflects the peculiarities of the past and present history of the Ukrainian people, is capable of serving as a powerful weapon that brings Ukraine closer to victory in the Russian-Ukrainian war.
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