Crisis management of Ukrainian displaced universities in the war and post-war periods


  • T. L. Nagornyak Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University



university management; higher education in Ukraine; recovery of Ukraine in the war and post-war periods; crisis management; Ukrainian displaced universities


The effective work of ZVO is the result of the synergy of several factors, among which is the management system through the introduction of effective governance and the implementation of the quality management system in accordance with international standards (ISO 9001). The key conditions for the functioning of such a system are the strategic planning of the development of higher educational institutions, the distribution of powers and responsibilities among all managers and employees, conducting self-analysis in the form of internal audits, self-assessment, analysis of the quality management system, and the introduction of managerial practices for developing the potential of higher education institutions. The article contains the experience of Ukrainian institutions of higher education that were relocated in the period 2014-2022 as a result of Ukraine’s war with Russia on its territory. The author aimed to summarize her own experience of relocation, management of a relocated university, and cases of consulting other displaced higher education institutions within the framework of Fulbright projects and programs in Ukraine. Such a generalization of crisis management practices by universities under martial law can be useful both from a research point of view and from a practical point of view because the return of these universities will again require operational tools. Among them are a management audit after relocation, practices and mechanisms of team building and strategic management taking into account the new labor market and society’s demands, a system for evaluating the effectiveness of management and teaching activities, a system of management practices for the development of higher education potential. Implementation of management steps through a comprehensive audit of personnel, management, communication, material and technical resources and social capital of the university; identification of problems and growth points; consistent problem-solving and strengthening of positions for the purpose of development and increase of potential can become effective in reviving the activities of higher education institutions in new locations and national higher education on the way to the recovery of Ukraine in war and post-war times.


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