The phenomenon of hybrid genocide in the conditions of Russian-Ukrainian war of 2014-2022


  • I. Yu. Chaika Запорізький національний університет
  • Ye. G. Tsokur Запорізький національний університет



hybrid war; genocide; hybrid genocide; information psychological special operation; Russian-Ukrainian war in 2014-2022


The modern political science has an actual task to ground Russian state’s and its institutes actions as war crimes. A genocide is the most serious from them. Russian-Ukrainian war is hybrid war. An aggressor uses the instruments of informative, media wars, information psychological special operation, in order to avoid qualification of its actions as crime of genocide. For this reason, an analysis of the phenomenon of hybrid genocide is important. The scientific discussion of the phenomenon of «hybrid genocide», its generally accepted definition’s forming can become a step on a way to implementation of this term to the system of international law. The determination of this term’s correlation with a concept «crime of genocide», establishment of their equality, and, accordingly, simplification of criminals’ bringing in to responsibility is necessary. A hybrid genocide is acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, that carries out on a background of the ideological, information psychological, manipulation activities, which are aimed to the denial of subjectivity of certain groups. In case of hybrid genocide certain manifestations of genocide, which are directed against the separate representatives of these groups, in particular, their murder, hide or denied. Hybrid character of genocide by murder of Ukrainians manifest itself through the denial of such murders facts, creation of ground of the extra-judicial executing (victims are accused of subversive, diversionary activity, attacking the invaders). Intentional character of mass murders by missile blows and airstrikes also denies. Hybrid character of genocide by «deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part» manifest itself in the denial of aggressive actions against civilians. The hybrid genocide sent to prevention of births within the group can manifest through the using of sexual violence as a weapon. Hybrid character can acquire genocide by the forcibly transferring children of the group to another group. Violent character of this process is denied. Children health information, their family status are hidden or distorted intentionally. Guardianship or adoption takes place with violations of national and international legislation.


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