Historical and political legal retrospective of formation of the concepts of «border» and «borderland»


  • I. B. Ozadovskyi Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса




geopolitical processes; state border; border; borderlands; frontier; border territories


The concepts of «border» and «border territories» are interdisciplinary, have different interpretations, their content depends on the field of application and the field of science in which they are the objects of research. The article reveals the essence of concepts from the point of view of their multidisciplinarity, considers the evolution of the concept of «border», lays the foundation for the theoretical and methodological dimension of the study of border territories in the formation of a new world order and the dynamics of modern political processes.
Borders have been an integral part of life since ancient times, but this category took its modern shape only with the beginning of the formation of national states. The creation of a system of international relations, in which the parties recognize the inviolability of each other’s territory, filled the borders with additional significance. The inviolability of borders has become a fundamental principle of international law, one of the bases of international relations, enshrined in legal documents of the national and international level.
In the process of historical development, the meaning of the notion «border» was constantly changing. Now this term is most often used in the sense of «state border», thus denoting one of the key political institutions around which the system of international relations is built and which is one of the main signs of sovereignty. However, the field of application of the term is only expanding and becoming more complicated. Increasingly, «borders» are explored not in the context of the state and geography, but as dividing lines and spaces of communication in the socio-cultural, informational, and symbolic spheres.
The borderland from an object that was on the periphery of researchers’ attention and was of interest mostly in the context of the expansion of the state, transformed into a phenomenon that representatives of various branches of science study as a type of geopolitical fields, a specific socio-cultural and economic space with a special legal regime.
In further research, the author’s attention will be focused on the study of the peculiarities
of the interaction of border areas with states and other political actors.


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