Formation of Political Consciousness of Ukrainian Women in the Columns of Kolomy Magazines «Zhinocha Volia» and «Svit Molodi»
women’s periodicals; rural women; active Ukrainian youth; national consciousnessAbstract
The scientific article analyzes the thematic background of women’s supplements of the influential Kolomyia magazine «Zhinocha volia», which later became independent publications. The main thematic blocks presented in magazines are given. It was found that the magazine «Zhinocha volia» was dedicated to rural women in order to awaken the national consciousness and to conduct education and science. The central theme of the magazine «Zhinocha volia» was the role of a peasant woman in the national liberation movement for the independence of the Ukrainian state and the freedom of the Ukrainian nation. «Zhinocha volia» political publications predominated among other journalistic genres, so the publication was political in nature and persecuted by the authorities. Studied the main departments, thematic sections of the magazine. It was found that a large number of publications were devoted to housekeeping for rural women. One of the main topics of the publication «Zhinocha volia» was personal hygiene and hygiene of the nation. The main program articles that characterize the publication as patriotic and nationalist are singled out. Among the program articles, those aimed at forming a clear active civil position of rural women in the struggle for their rights and for the rights of their own people predominate. The purpose of the publication was to increase activity among peasant women. Another magazine, «Svit molodi», which was also an appendix to «Zhinocha dolia», became an independent publication and also aimed to educate a conscious and patriotic young generation that would cherish folk customs and traditions. It is noted that the publication «Svit molodi» was intended for Ukrainian girls, to form a national and civic consciousness. The main thematic sections, headings, editorial departments are singled out. Kolomyia magazines were found to be political women’s periodicals that shaped the political consciousness of rural women.
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