Geopolitical Signs of a New World Order


  • I. O. Polishchuk Національний юридичний університет імені Ярослава Мудрого



new world order; Russian aggression; multipolarity; geopolitics; transformation; Ukraine


The article examines the geopolitical features of the new world order under the conditions of full-scale Russian aggression against Ukraine. The new world order is interpreted as an international order that will come to our planet when the current political and ideological crisis in international relations is overcome. It is noted that today a multipolar model of the world order is being formed. The main trends of the modern world are revealed, including globalization, regionalization, informatization and digitalization, greening, expanding the influence of biopolitics, increasing the conflict of international relations, opposition to democratic thalassocracy led by the US autocratic tellurocracy led by China and others. It is concluded that under the constant threat of invasion by the Russian imperial-chauvinist regime, Ukraine needs to create a mechanism of collective security with NATO countries: the United States, Great Britain, Poland, the Baltic countries, Turkey, etc.
The immanent sign of the new world order was the need to respond quickly and prevent global climate change and the greening of international relations. The spread of the COVID 19 pandemic contributes to the expansion of the impact of biopolitics, when biological technologies of social management are introduced, which are justified by the need for "human survival".
Russia’s imperial-chauvinist threat poses a permanent threat to the entire world order, which is in constant danger of another world war. One of the main geopolitical features of the new world order is the objective division into two groups of states: nuclear (privileged) and non-nuclear (hostages of the will of nuclear countries), between which parity in relations is broken. The immanent sign of the new world order was the need to respond quickly and prevent global climate change and the greening of international relations.


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