National security and separatist potential of the decentralization process nowadays in Ukraine


  • M. S. Ivanov Petro Mohyla Blacksea National University



national security; decentralization; regional separatism; political process; separatist potential; local government; territorial authorities; territorial communities; political parties


The article substantiates the importance of studying a number of factors that are decisively capable of influencing the preservation of the territorial integrity of our country. Nowadays Ukrainian society in the current stage of its own independent state development has faced a huge impact of the partial state territory annexation, which requires thorough understanding of what led to these events and the identification of effective and preventing means of this kind of phenomena.
The article supports the need to reassess priorities in the course of the decentralization strategy implementation, taking into account the minimization of possible potential threats of separatism in the specific regions of our country. The author draws the attention to the conditions that can form and strengthen the separatist potential in the course of administrative reform and modernization of the territorial administration system.
In addition, the article deals with the issues of overcoming contradictions in the existing system of administration aimed at reducing incentives for the separatist potential accumulation in the process of reformation which should build and broaden the system of local self-government in modern Ukrainian society. The author pays attention to the possible threats to the realization of the separatist potential for Ukrainian national security and territorial integrity.
The article sets forth a number of factors that can stimulate separatist tendencies in the course of the national strategy implementation of the public administration system decentralization. The author emphasizes the need to overcome the excessive politicization of the territorial administration bodies activities, and the necessity to use wider legal mechanisms in problem solving of interaction between central and local governments.
The attention is focused on the need to implement measures which can contribute to balancing the levels of economic development of the regions and to minimizing external influence on this process. In addition, the importance of developing means of institutional control over the activities of territorial units by state bodies is substantiated.


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