Analysis of the Kremlin Propaganda Hidden Topics in Ukraine


  • B. M. Yuskiv Рівненський державний гуманітарний університет
  • N. P. Karpchuk Волинський національний університет імені Лесі Українки



hybrid warfare of the Russian Federation in Ukraine; propaganda; RT; analytical reports; structural thematic analysis; thematic modeling; STM (Structural Topic Model)


Propaganda is one of the defining components of Russia’s security policy. In order to understand the intentions and specific goals of propaganda, it is important to identify the thematic structure of propaganda messages.
The study is devoted to the analysis of the thematic structure of analytical reports on the website of the RF network of information channels RT in a certain period of Russia’s hybrid warfare against Ukraine (namely, from September 2018 to April 2020). Thematic modeling based on STM model makes the research methodological basis.
The results of the study have made it possible to identify at least 12 hidden topics that do not intersect in content and are easy to be interpreted unambiguously and clearly. For each of them the list of the most probable topics outlining words is defined. The range of topics covers both exclusively domestic issues, problems, and Ukraine’s relations with Russia and its western neighbors.
The most frequently used methods of presenting thematic material have been singled out, specifically, the use of "long-playing record", "linking" topics to specific events or the context of individual messages / set of messages, updating old messages in a new context, etc. The analysis has enabled to identify a thematic network of topics that appear in one document, or documents close in time, thus increasing the overall impact on the audience. The same effect is achieved through the alternate use of mono-topic and multi-topic documents. The analysis of propaganda messages in the time-thematic dimension is also important. It is shown that in the researched period in terms of content and goals of propaganda two periods are clearly distinguished, i.e., the period of P. Poroshenko’s Presidency and the period of V. Zelensky’s Presidency, each can also be divided into two subperiods with their characteristic messages. However, despite their differences, the thematic constant remains, that is the discrediting of politicians, experts, the country’s Armed Forces, and the imposition of a one-sided pro-Russian worldview on the target audience.


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