Improving the effectiveness of the implementation of the Eastern partnership initiative in Ukraine


  • Ya. B. Turchyn National University “Lviv Polytechnic”
  • О. Ya. Ivasechko National University “Lviv Polytechnic”
  • О. В. Yurynets National University “Lviv Polytechnic”



European Union; Eastern Partnership; European integration; Association Agreement


The article examines the effectiveness of implementing the Eastern Partnership (EP) initiative in Ukraine using the SWOT analysis methodology. It is noted that from the EP the participating countries expect new opportunities for economic development, reforming the internal political sphere, attracting investment, resolving regional conflicts, and so on. The strengths and weaknesses of the implementation of reforms in Ukraine in the context of the implementation of the European integration course and the implementation of the association agreement with the EU are highlighted. It is determined that the strengths of Ukraine as the addressee of the EP are an extensive system of coordination of efforts in implementing reforms and their support by the European Union. Attention is focused on the weak (systemic, institutional and situational) aspects of the implementation of this initiative. Based on the EP Index data, the state of implementation of reforms in Ukraine is assessed.
It is concluded that the effectiveness of the implementation of the EP initiative in Ukraine is insufficient, because it is taking place in the conditions of: first, Russia’s opposition to this process; second, the growth of political and economic instability, slow reforms and democratic backwardness, corruption, etc.; third, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict in eastern Ukraine. Recommendations were developed to improve the effectiveness of cooperation between Ukraine and the EU within the framework of EP. Contradictory conflicts between these factors, their interrelation and interdependence slow down the implementation of Ukraine’s declared European integration aspirations. Consequently, the prospects for further scientific research will be to find out the specifics of promoting reforms in the “Associated trio” format, as the countries that are the recipients of EP initiative, which today demonstrate the most progressive dynamics in terms of ongoing reforms and relations with the EU.


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