The Study of Peace and the main theoretical perspectives
peace; peace building; orthodox theories of peace; liberal-idealist tradition; realism; the English School of International Relations; neo-Marxism; critical theories; constructivism; Peace and Conflict StudiesAbstract
The article attempts to outline the main theoretical perspectives in the study of peace. The author analyzes the dynamics of the characteristics of peace in international relations and identifies the role of different theoretical approaches and scientific schools in shaping the concept of peace. It is emphasized that in the modern world order it is important to develop a common understanding of peace, the values of conflict resolution and effective approaches to peacebuilding. Given these challenges, the theoretical basis for building peace needs to be reconsidered and rethought in order to identify the most promising areas of research. It is noted that theoretical issues of peace theory are rarely the subject of scientific research of domestic researchers. The main theories of peace have been formed and developed mainly by foreign scholars, but there is a contradiction of images of peace, serious discussion and criticism of most concepts of peace, which gives rise to new approaches and comprehensive research, opening the way for Ukrainian scientists.
The author of the article acknowledges that the liberal-idealist paradigm is dominant in the understanding of peace, so its analysis is given considerable attention. However, the article describes the realistic vision of the problem of peace, which forms the basis of the framework of peace research with the liberal-idealist tradition and is the so-called «orthodoxy». Unorthodox theories are described in detail, including the English School of International Relations, Marxists and Neo-Marxists, critical theories, constructivism and post-constructivism, and interdisciplinary research, the most important of which is Peace and Conflict Studies.
The article analyzes and compares these scientific approaches and schools, identifies the strengths and weaknesses of research, the main discussions and the reasons for criticizing each of them. It is suggested that the debate on international conflicts and wars in the era of globalization and posttruth is erroneous and inexpedient, and instead the emphasis in the theory of international relations is shifted towards the formation of a modern concept of peace and peaceful coexistence.The author emphasizes that each theory and approach has its own concept of peace, but this variability allows to develop a broad discussion of peace, propose new methodologically compatible approaches and develop a modern comprehensive understanding of peace, principles and mechanisms for its development.
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