Fear as an instrument of state public policy


  • S. G. Denysiuk Вінницький національний технічний університет
  • V. G. Derun Вінницький національний технічний університет




fear; political fear; illusory fear; social fear; political technologies; political culture; political consciousness; political regime


The article analyses fear as an effective political tool. It is noted that fear can regulate domestic and foreign public policy. The use of fear in political governance through the use of certain technologies allows one to achieve the following: to identify vectors of political development, to change the regulatory framework, to reformat work with influence groups and public opinion leaders and to focus on certain values. Fear in political processes may be used to achieve either positive or negative goals. The author emphasizes the interconnection between fear and the weakening of democratic moods of the society. Fear reduces the "value" of a political regime that becomes undemocratic. It insists that fear pushes the state to violate its own moral principles, which are based on the law. This affects certain features and sets the level of development of political culture and the sense of its citizens.
It is determined that the current fears which are used as the political tools are: migration; terrorism and use of weapons of mass destruction; economical crisis; natural disasters; threats to national security, war; uncertain future and others. Overstatement of the dangers and fueling fears for both: individuals and the state can slow down reforms, – as an obstacle to further development and reformation.
 For the state, this leads to the increase in costs which are necessary for the needless control and reinsurance, which, hence, leads to the significant use of human, material, financial and other resources. It shows how citizens’ fear of terrorist attacks is used to achieve a certain political goal. Emphasis is placed on various losses from terrorist acts, their comparison with other threats.
It is emphasized that the use of fear in the management process can not only harm the development of society, but also can develop problems for the government itself. Fear is a tool that requires both special attention and careful planning of possible consequences.


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