Features of ensuring the security of subjects of competitive intelligence in the context of an aggravation of information and psychological confrontation


  • V. I. Biloshytskyi Національний технічний університет України “Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського”
  • V. E. Hunin Воєнно-дипломатична академія імені Євгенія Березняка
  • V. F. Smolianiuk Воєнно-дипломатична академія імені Євгенія Березняка




populism; ideology; political regime of the Republic of Belarus; State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus; Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation; authoritarianism; democracy; opposition; referendum; competitive intelligence


In the course of the research carried out by the authors of the article, it was determined that Belarus has recently been intensively acquiring new stable signs of not only a totalitarian state, but also an authoritarian one. In a state with such a political regime, undesirable values and target orientations are suppressed by political methods by one person in power. The recent metamorphoses of the components of the political system in the Republic of Belarus and their possible consequences are explained by the authors as follows.
From a formal point of view, Belarus is a presidential-parliamentary republic. However, an analysis of the degree of influence of different branches of power on political life in the Republic indicates a different situation. In particular, today an unlimited super-presidential system of government is actually operating in this country, which is the basis for the assertion of the sole power of President A. Lukashenko. So, having come to power as a classic, essentially populist politician, A. Lukashenko, at the present time, largely relying on the state-police apparatus, widely uses repressions against his political opponents.
The authors of the article summarize that, taking into account the current political situation in Belarus, the modern political regime in this country can be confidently characterized as authoritarian-populist. This is confirmed by the latest events both on the territory of the Republic and abroad. At the same time, the nature of the events taking place indicates their direct connection with the activities of the Belarusian special services. Namely, the direct influence of the State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus (KGB RB) on all spheres of activity in the country and the attempts of this special service to control the activities of the Belarusian opposition abroad are traced.
The studies carried out by the authors showed that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, in comparison with other special services of the post-Soviet space, the KGB of the Republic of Belarus avoided radical democratic changes and remained in the form of a small copy of the KGB of the USSR. A feature of this special service and other law enforcement agencies is that today their leaders are appointed directly by the President of the Republic. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that most of these leaders at one time received military education in the Russian Federation.
At the same time, based on the assessment of domestic and Western political scientists of the current political situation in Russia, the authors of the article came to the conclusion that its state is also constantly undergoing destructive changes. Thus, the fact that the leadership of the Russian Federation has recently been sharply raising the question of the need to expand the spheres of influence of the Federal Security Service (FSS) outside the country is alarming. Consequently, the Kremlin’s desire to control the political situation in its neighbors, including in Belarus, is constantly increasing.
According to the authors of the article, at the moment, by all external signs, the integration of the armed forces of the Republic of Belarus into the so-called Belarusian-Russian grouping has already taken place. At the same time, cooperation between the KGB RB and the FSS received interstate legislative support and covered almost all spheres of political life in the Republic. Thus, representatives of the FSS of the Russian Federation are officially present in all state bodies of the Republic of Belarus. Thus, given the nature of cooperation between the law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation, as well as the hybrid war of Russia against Ukraine, the authors argue reasonably that Belarus poses a certain military threat to our country.
An assessment of the current political situation in the Republic of Belarus and its similarity with the Russian Federation, as well as a deep analysis of the peculiarities of the activities of the special services of this country, made it possible for the authors of the article to develop some practical recommendations in the interests of subjects of competitive intelligence. According to the authors, the recommendations presented suggest that the subjects of competitive intelligence should adhere to certain security measures in the course of their professional activities in the territory of the Republic of Belarus in the context of an aggravated political situation in this country (subject to the influence of the FSB of the Russian Federation on the activities of the KGB of the Republic of Belarus). The authors assume that the proposed recommendations will increase the efficiency of the performance of important government tasks by the subjects of competitive intelligence.


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