Trust as a political and psychological phenomenon
trust; values; social interaction; political thinking; rational and irrational in politics; political cultureAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of trust as a political and psychological phenomenon. The focus is on the fact that trust is the value basis of social interaction, it is emphasized that the effectiveness of this interaction is based on the coincidence of values, which, to a large extent, ensures value-oriented unity. It is emphasized that the uniqueness of the phenomenon of trust lies in a peculiar combination of rational and irrational bases of assessments and judgments. It is proved that trust, on the one hand, is the result of a posteriori cognition and follows from experience, is based on analysis and synthesis of events, phenomenas, processes, evaluation of behavior, etc., on the other – is based on irrational motives that rely on intuition, own or stereotyped ideas about the proper, desirable, probable because of its predominantly emotional perception. The role of trust as an important factor of state-building processes in the conditions of national, state self-determination and overcoming of social and political crises is substantiated. Particular attention is paid to the role of trust in the process of legitimation of power, the problem of trust in the context of interaction between branches of government, political and state institutions is actualized. It is proved that trust as a political and psychological phenomenon is a powerful factor and regulator of socio-political processes, an element of the architecture of the system of social and institutional interaction and a kind of its provision. In the context of socio-political interaction, the socio-psychological basis for distinguishing between the concepts of "trust" and "faith", "trust" and "distrust" is revealed. The characteristic features and certain functions of trust as a socio-cultural and political-psychological phenomenon are outlined. Emphasis is placed on the cognitive function of trust, in particular, on the need to develop political thinking as an analytical prerequisite for trust and a necessary component of political culture.
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