The role of the leader’s personality in resolving crisis situations in the country


  • P. L. Gaidaenko Південноукраїнський національний педагогічний університет ім. К. Д. Ушинського



political communication; political leadership; power; crisis situation; leader ‘s personality


The article analyzes the specifics and problematic aspects of the formation and course of various crisis situations and the role of personal qualities of political leaders in the strategy of their solution, which is a very relevant research topic in modern political science and political practice. It is in the analysis of the influence of personal qualities of a political leader on the resolution of crisis situations in the country are the purpose and relevant objectives of the article.
Research methods such as the policy analysis method, statistical method, functional comparison method, decision making method and content analysis were used.
The key features of crisis situations, their types and impact on the policy sphere are identified. The basic principles of political leadership, the qualities of a leader and the importance of decisions made by him are determined. On the example of the analysis of the activities of political leaders of the two countries during one crisis, the main strategies of interaction of political leaders with the electorate and current political elites and their impact on overcoming the crisis. It is substantiated that the image and personality of a political leader influences not only the perception and support of the electorate and the apparatus of power, but also the longevity of this support under the influence of the crisis situation.
As a result, it is shown that the political leader either continues to follow the chosen strategy, or gives up his strategy and in search of support “fusses» and makes a number of unreasonable decisions, of course, and the results of such activities are strikingly different.This is confirmed by the political events in Germany and Greece, where two completely different personalities of political leaders initiated a number of important political changes and processes of global importance during the euro crisis.
It is concluded that the personality of a political leader is a key source of change in the country during a crisis situation. It is the activities and decisions of the political leader that determine the strategy of overcoming the crisis and further transformations in the country


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