Completion of the Nord Stream-2 in the Context of Ukraine’s Foreign Economic Security
foreign economic security; energy security; economic diplomacy; «Nord Stream-2»; national interestsAbstract
The article reveals the essential characteristics of the impact of the construction of Nord Stream-2 on the foreign economic security of Ukraine, which confirms the growing relevance of economic security on the agenda of the theory and practice of national security in general. It turns out that the "extended" interpretation of energy security allows us to go beyond the economic and technological vision of the problem and consider it as a socio-political component that has taken on a new dimension as an influential tool in world politics. The issue of energy supplies from Russia to Europe clearly demonstrates the interdependence of energy security in Europe and Ukraine. Russia’s hybrid war against Ukraine proves the interplay of all security sectors: military, political, economic, social and environmental, with an integrative political one, in line with the Copenhagen school’s approach to understanding international security. It is alleged that it depends on Ukraine’s foreign economic and national security in general. From the preservation of transit capacity of the Ukrainian GTS and the completion of Nord Stream-2 Objectives and subjective factors that influenced the construction of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline, the role of the United States, the EU, Russia and Ukraine in this process. Since the analyzed agreement between the United States and Germany of July 22, 2021 does not guarantee Ukraine’s foreign economic security, possible threats after the completion of Nord Stream-2 were considered: economic, environmental and political security. Given the complex technological, legal and political mechanism of commissioning of the Russian gas pipeline, the possible further steps of Ukraine necessary to neutralize the negative consequences of this project are outlined. Emphasis is placed on the need to create a united front to counter the Russian hybrid war by returning key European consumers of Russian gas to values in their attitude to Kremlin policy.
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